VN CHAMPION Mollybrook of Kilyka's Savvy-Girl CD, WD, WRD, WRDX, DD
(VN CH Mollybrooks 'Isiah' CD, CDX, DD, TDD, WD, WRD X
VN CH Kilyka's Mary Elizabeth CD, WD, WRD, DD, TDD - ROM)
Coming from two Versatile Newf parents...I guess
it was only fitting that Andie follow in her parent's footsetps!:)
Andie and her owners are very special! Once
Andie got rolling she finished her championship quickly in 2005 and even went Best of Breed her first and only day shown as
a special! However, Mary Ann (her owner) truly did the hard part of this...she trained and handled Andie to all
her obedience, water, and draft dog titles. Gayle, Andie's co-owner, had the next hardest job....traveling
and supporting all of us to this fantastic accomplishment:) Congratulations to everybody involved...it truly takes a
Owned By: Mary Ann Barnhill & Gayle Littlefield
Bred By: Karen Dunaway & Betty McDonnell & Ken Dunaway
Here are some pictures of Andie on her way to her Versatile Newf Title: